the two of you who read this already know about my incident on the way over. my trip was great- with the exception of having to pay an overhead fee for my bike. once i found this out, it was too late to do anything because i had too much crap in the car and not enough time to situate the bike in it. a certain someone told me it would be just fine where it was. harummph.
little did i know that this was just the beginning of my bike troubles.
anyway, the ferry was fine, i read my david sedaris book and laughed out loud lots of times. i drove over the scary bridge, into town, and straight to the clinic. i had some orientation, then went to my accommodations. on the way to parking my car, i drove right under the awning.
anyway, the bike appears fine. the rack is fine. the car isn't- thankfully no broken glass. so sean is taking it to the mainland for repair and leaving me with the element. we may need to take yuri's advice and get a hitch mount.
i only worked one day and then had the long weekend off. because i am an idiot, i had to drive to olympia on thursday to get a current copy of my medical license. turns out you need that to do certain stuff, like seeing patients and writing prescriptions. anyway, the drive was lovely, along the coast.
sean came for the weekend and we had fun. he rode some crazy trail. he and i rode around town and found a beautiful park involving an olde tyme train bridge.
we went to some tidepools. i LOVE tidepools. i'm sure sean would rather pull out his fingernails then hang out at them, at least for the amount of time i require. i didn't grow up near the ocean, and find them fascinating.
we saw a bald eagle getting its ass kicked by a crow.
we went to the spit. upon arrival, it started raining (in the town that gets 12 inches of rain a YEAR) and got all foggy, so we left. went to walmart twice. haven't been since kirksville, have now been there several times.
we went to hurricane ridge today. it was still too snowy to hike there, but it was nice to see the mountains.
i did join the SARC ( for those alias fans out there, i'm not searching for a rambaldi artifact...). it has an enormous olympic size pool with exactly one lane for lap swimming. in any case, i can't remember the last time i swam for fitness. after about 30 minutes i felt like an enormous piece of jello. now i'm "home".
i'll try to post a little more frequently these next two months, while i'm lonely and with internet.
ciao for now.
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