my intern year is now officially over and i am considered a "senior resident". its sort of the same feeling i had at the transition between medical school and residency. yesterday i was a lowly intern. today i am a senior. i feel no different or smarter, yet the job changes.
great friends came to visit and we had fun. i didn't realize how much i missed john and eithne until i saw them. it was just like old times. we stayed up late, drank too much wine, hackeysacked a little. i hope we see them again relatively soon.
we went riding a few times in the park where i learned. it was so refreshing to be in open space. i encountered less then 10 people over the course of 3 different bike rides. of course, my mountain bike skills continue to regress. i walked things i used to ride and continued to walk things i used to walk. i'm at a place now, though, where i really don't care. i'm not trying to impress anyone with my riding. i just want to have a good time. and i did!
spokane is always on the short list of places to live when sean and i grow up. after visiting, its higher on my list. we'll see.
mmm... butter.... (note my feeble attempts to utilize picassa's tools)
tomorrow i start back to work. i'm going to sequim, wa for 2 months. i have to go on a ferry AND drive on the world's longest floating bridge in a saltwater tidal basin all by myself to get there. i'm looking forward to it (except for the driving, ferry, and floating bridge), but i'll miss jub jub tremendously. i'll miss sean, too.
well, i'd better get packing. come see me on the beautiful olympic peninsula.
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