that's him, alright.
today is sean's birthday. he's 31 years old now. we started dating when he was 20 (!), not even old enough to imbibe. i remember his 21st birthday well, watching sean order his first legal drink. he didn't even get carded, probably because of his grizzly adams-esque beard.
in any case, today's the day, and i wanted him to have a good time. last year's birthdays weren't so great. little cat died right before sean's birthday, and sprout died right after mine. jub jub has agreed to remain well for at least the next week.
it started out well for him because he sold his commuter bike on craigslist. now he gets to experience the romanticized affair that is getting yet another new bike. i've watched him do this a few times now. its cute until it becomes totally annoying.
For sean's big day, i bought him a wii. it is so ridiculous. he'd much rather have a PS3, but i just can't bring myself to do it. plus, at least with the wii, we'll burn some calories while we waste our lives away. he's "bowling" as i blog.
we went to a lovely little downtown restaurant for dinner. he wanted well-prepared seafood, so i did some research and found a place that i'd hoped would fit the bill. he said it was good. i tried to make him a cheesecake, but it totally failed. turns out our oven is a good 100 degrees hotter than the dial reads. sean apparently knew this, but forgot to mention it until the burnt cheesecake made itself known to the world.