Sunday, October 16, 2011


So Friday Porter did something he's never done before, he just nodded off while we were playing in the living room.  After about 15 minutes of sleeping he woke up and spent another 45 minutes just lounging with me on the couch.  I though it was all pretty cute, until I took his temp and it was 102.2.  I kinda freaked out a little and felt bad about being so amused by his falling asleep earlier.  Michele was a bit stressed by the whole thing since he's never been sick before.  Anyway, the fever dropped quite a bit overnight and while he's still running mildly high temps he's mostly back to his normal self.

So after the Saturday visit to the doctor's office I decided it was high time for Porter to get his hair cut.  I've been pushing the haircut for months and Michele has resisted all along, she relented ever so slightly and I took the opportunity to strike.  I'm not sure who was more traumatized by the haircut, Michele or Porter, but I suspect it was the former.  It's by far the worst haircut I've ever given but the boy still looks better than he did (just don't look at the back of his head)

See, no more hair in his eyes!

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