Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flying Solo

So, Michele's been back at work for a couple of weeks now leaving me to care for our kid on my own.  I don't mean to blow my own horn or anything but I think I'm pretty damn good at it.  Anyway, to help with the transition, my mom came out from Arizona for a little bit to help with the transition.  The most important part of her being here was as a safety net as I found my routine, what I need to be thinking about at different times during the day, how I get my normal stuff done without neglecting my child too much, etc.  As an added bonus, mom made dinner every night while she was here, dinners that conformed quite nicely to my diet no less.  She left yesterday just before noon and I'm feeling pretty good about how it all went.  Smooth sailing from here on out, right?

Thanks mom, I got it from here.

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