Friday, November 9, 2007

time flies

i've spent the last month in clinic and lecture with few weekend or evening obligations. these are the final couple days before the reality of internship returns. i'm somewhat torn. i'm definitely weary of sitting in a classroom feeling like a student again, but i'm not so psyched about returning to the world of q 4 call and medical decision making. in any case, my ambivalence is irrelevant, as time marches on.

it has been fun getting to know my 7 fellow interns. we have vastly different experiences and interests, no big surprise. i wouldn't say we're best friends, but we're certainly congenial enough.

i invited the whole clan over last night, only a few came. i made some food, had plenty of wine available. i felt quite vulnerable opening my house and cooking for new people, something that had previously been very calming and fun for me. making friends is hard! sean was a champ, chatting people up, showing folks how to play the wii. we played a game that tests intelligence, and i scored only slightly better than a ten year old. that was post wine, mind you, but still... sean, of course, beat all of the doctors in the room by a significant margin.

sounds like sean and i are headed to vashon island for some biking tomorrow if it doesn't rain too much...

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