Monday, February 21, 2011

Porter Eats!

Here are a few videos taken with my cell phone of Porter doing stuff.

The first is Porter talking. Well, mostly me talking. The first 8 seconds are the best part- he makes some adorable faces.

Here is the 1st time we fed Porter rice cereal.

And here's a more recent video of the eating phenomenon. As you can see, it is harder for us than for him.

Porter is doing great. He had his 4 month well child check and is still quite a robust guy. He had no troubles with his 2nd set of shots. He is rolling over both ways right now and has slept through the night a couple of times (of course, not on work nights, but I'm not going to complain too much...).

In other news, Sean and I are considering job offers. We had a lovely time in Port Angeles and have a few more interviews next month (in Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, and Portland). We are going to make a decision in April. We'll keep you posted!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Starting on Solids

The P-Monster's nearly 5 months old now and he's started hitting the rice cereal every couple of days.  So far it's going pretty well except that he really wants to grab that spoon so I find myself trying to pin his arms with one hand and hit his constantly moving mouth hole with the other.  Pretty funny stuff.