Monday, October 25, 2010

One Month (Almost to the Minute)

Well, Michele, Porter, and I have made it through the first 30 days without any major incidents, unless of course you count that the kid keeps a pair of hair trigger loaded weapons in his pants. Doesn't look dangerous, does he?

On the plus side, we seem to be getting closer to a bit of a pattern where he will do the lions share of his sleeping during the night. Not all nights are working out so well of course, last night for example consisted of a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth much to my disappointment. At the moment however he is sleeping quite soundly and that's just about right by me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Porter and His Seven Ackbars

So not long after Porter was born there was a lot of doc talk that was taking place all around me. This is how things normally go with Michele around, she and the doc will talk in their own secret code and Michele will decipher everything for my benefit. However, with Michele in her post delivery state I was not getting the interpretation. There was a lot of talk about his Apgar score and what it was at 1 and 5 minutes. Anyway, what I heard was Ackbar and I just kept imagining my boy with the admiral that led the Rebel Alliance against the Death Star in Return of the Jedi. So, later while sitting in our hospital room I worked up a Photoshopped image of what I was seeing in my head.

May I present Porter and his seven Ackbars: